2010 Global Heritage Preservation Fellowship Program now Accepting Proposals

10.4.10 - 
Global Heritage Fund (GHF) is pleased to announce that the Global Heritage Preservation Fellowship Program is now accepting Letters of Inquiry seeking support for field projects to be conducted this summer at significant heritage sites in the developing world.

The purpose of the Global Heritage Preservation Fellowship Program is to support cultural heritage conservation and community development work with the potential for significant contributions to the long-term preservation of endangered cultural heritage sites in developing countries by international and in-country scholars and students.

Students and faculty in the developing world are especially encouraged to apply. Although GHF favors graduate degree candidates, recent graduates and professionals whose projects have not had extensive financial support will be considered.

Letter of Inquiry submission deadline is 30 April 2010. Awardees will be notified by 15 May 2010.

For more details on the program and to download the Letter of Inquiry form, please visit http://globalheritagefund.org/index.php/what_we_do/preservation_fellowship_program